11/24/2022 - Multnomah Channel/Willamette River, Sauvie Island Boat Ramp, Sauvie Island, OR

Time: 2.95 hours Distance: 10.05 We put into Multnomah Channel at the Sauvie Island Boat Ramp on Thanksgiving morning. We paddled up-stream to the Willamette River then up river for a while longer before turning back. The day was cool but bright and sunny and there was no river traffic which made for a very pleasant paddle. Lynda preparing to put in. Heading up the Channel early in the trip. Lynda paddling up the Channel. Paddling up the Channel approaching the Sauvie Island Bridge. Lynda paddling up the Channel. Looking back down the Channel after passing under the Sauvie Island Bridge. Another in Lynda's "Buoy Series". This on near where the Channel and Willamette River meet. Lynda paddling past the Sauvie Island Bridge on the way back. Multnomah Channel looking down-stream as we approched the take-out.