10/23/2022 - Columbia River, St. Helens, OR

Time: 2.93 hours Distance: 9.93 miles We put into the Columbia River in St. Helens, OR. The public docks we'd normally put in at were blocked by some type of event so we had to move down river just a bit to another small boat launch area. The tide was almost at it's lowest and we didn't want to put-in in the mud so we had to carry our kayaks down a rocky embankment to get into the water. We paddled down-river with the intent of going all the way around Goat Island but when we got there there tide was low enough that getting through the channel on the Southern tip of the island would have required a couple muddy portages so we decided just to go a way down the island on the river side before heading back. The day was cool at marked the first time we wore our suits this season. The end of the summer kayak season is upon us. Lynda preparing to put in. Lynda paddling down-river early in the trip. Another in Lynda's "Buoy Series" of pictures. A river pylon. Lynda g...