10/9/2022 - Tillamook Bay, Memaloose Point, Tillamook, OR

Time: 3.38 hours
Distance: 10.16 miles

We put into Tillamook Bay from Memaloose Point, headed West until we reached the West side of the bay then North towards the bay's entrance to the Ocean. This was the third time we'd tried this route and we made the farthest this time but still didn't reach the destination. The day was sunny to start but there was a fog bank along the West shore of the bay which stayed throughout the trip so we paddled in fog for about half the time. The trip was mostly calm with just a short time of ~1 foot swells near the end and when we weren't in the fog it was sunny and warm.

Lynda preparing to put in.

Lynda paddling in the bay heading towards the fog bank.

Dane in the fog along the West shore of the bay.

 Lynda paddling East towards the put-in/take-out.

 Dane paddling East towards the put-in/take-out.

 A cloud bank descending onto the bay on the way back.

 Lynda paddling through the swells.

 Dane strapping a kayak to the car after getting out in some very dirty foam at the boat ramp.

 After beers and a snack at Pelican Brewing in Tillamook.
