4/26/2020 - Willamette River, Willamette Park, West Linn, OR

Time: 3.83 hours Distance: 10.8 miles We put in again at Willamette Park. The boat ramp and main park were closed due to Covid-19 so river traffic was very light consisting almost entirely of kayaks and canoes. We tried exploring a route through islands on the South side of the Willamette that we hadn't seen in previous trips and discovered the water was quite low requiring us to portage around four different points. Lynda preparing to put in. Lynda heading up-river on the South side of the river. Lynda getting back in the kayak after a stop on an island. Dane getting ready to get back in after the second portage. Looking back at the route of the second portage. Lynda heading back down-river.