4/11/2020 - Willamette River, Oswego Landing, Lake Owsego OR

Time: 3.5 hours
Distance: 10.57 miles

We put into the Willamette River at Oswego Landing and paddled up-river to Willamette Falls. Another beautiful day on a part of the Willamette we hadn't paddled previously. River traffic was mostly light except a couple areas where there were a multitude of fishermen. At the falls we also encountered several Sea Lions feasting on the large fish we saw repeatedly jumping out of the water.

The old iron foundry building at Oswego Landing.

Lynda preparing to put in.

A view of the Willamette River just as we started out.

Lynda heading up-river.

Lynda walking back to her kayak after a break on an island.

Willamette Falls at the base of the damn.

Dane holding the kayaks in place in front of Willamette Falls.

Dane paddling back down-river.

Lynda at the end of another great day.
