
10/12/2024 - Willamette River, Willamette Park, Portland, OR

Time: 2.93 hours Distance: 10.09 miles We put into the Willamette River at Willamette Park on a sunny and calm fall day. We paddled around the east side of Ross Island then down-river to the I405 bridge before paddling back up-river, around the west side of Ross Island and back to our launch point. There were quire a few paddlers on the water but the boat traffic was light making for a really nice paddle. Lynda preparing to put in.  All the bridges viewable from the north end of Ross Island. Lynda paddling under the the Ross Island Bridge. Lynda paddling around the west side of Ross Island.

9/21/2024 - Yale Lake/Siouxon Creek, Yale Lake Park, WA

Time: 2.93 hours Distance: 2.93 miles   We put into Yale Lake from Yale Lake Park on a late, cool and slightly overcast morning. We paddled across the lake to Siouxon Creek then up the creek until we were blocked before turning back. Within the first hour the sun came out and there was an intermittent gentle breeze. The perfect weather and almost no boats on the lake made for a very pleasant paddle. Dane and Lynda preparing to put in. Grumpy Lynda didn't want another "preparing to put in" picture. Lynda paddling across the lake. A view of Siouxon Creek near the entrance to Yale Lake. The end of the road for our paddling on Siouxon Creek. Lynda turning around at the end of the creek. Dane out of the kayak and looking up the creek during a short break. Dane paddling under the bridge at the end of Siouxon Creek entering Yale Lake. View of Mt. St. Helens from Yale Lake.

9/5/2024 - Lewis and Clark River, Netul Landing, Astoria, OR

Time: 2.8 hours Distance: 9.62 miles We put into the Lewis and Clark River from Netul Landing outside of Astoria,OR and paddled up-river for about 1.5 hours before turning back. This was our third trip on this river and this time we brought our dog Pico. The day was quite warm with temperatures in the 80's and light winds. A beautiful paddle. Lynda and Pico preparing to put in. Pico watching Dane put in.  Lynda and Pico early in the trip.  Lynda and Pico going under the first bridge.  The Lewis and Clark River.   Lynda and Pico rounding the last corner.

9/3/2024 - Wilson River, Memaloose Point, Tillamook, OR

Time: 2.82 hours Distance: 7.81 miles We put in a Memaloos Point in Tillamook, OR, paddled across the Tillamook River and into the Wilson River. We then paddled around the channels and sloughs for a couple hours before returning to Memaloose. Temperatures were in the low 70's but winds were fairly high. Most of the day we were fairly protected from the worst of the winds but the final crossing back to the get out was a bit hairy with high winds and swells of ~2'. Lynda preparing to put in. View from the launch point before leaving. On the Wilson river. Lynda paddling the Wilson early on. After beers and a snack at Pelican Brewing in Tillamook.

8/24/2024 - Nehalem Bay, Nehalem Bay State Park, Manzanita, OR

Time: 3.48 hours Distance: 10.5 We put into Nehalem Bay from the boat ramp at Nehalem Bay State park, paddled towards the inlet to the Pacific Ocean where we got out and explored for a few minutes. We then paddled back past Wheeler, around one of the islands and then back. The day was pleasant with temperatures in the high 60's and light winds. There were a fair amount of boats but most of them were crabbing and so weren't a real issue. A nice paddle we hadn't done for quite some time. Lynda preparing to put in. Lynda paddling in the bay. Pelicans on the beach near the entrance to the ocean. Lynda looking for shells on the beach when we stopped near the entrance to the ocean. Lynda paddling in Nehalem Bay.

8/10/2024 - Columbia River, Kelly Point Park, Portland, OR

Time: 3.93 hours Distance: 13.1 miles We put into the Columbia River at Kelly Point Park and paddle around Hayden Island starting on the south side then around the north. The day was in the mid-70s with a light breeze most of the trip. There was some river traffic but not too bad for such a nice day. Lynda preparing to put in. Lynda sets out from Kelly Point Park. Lynda wading in the water as we stopped for a break and a sandwich just after rounding the east end of Hayden Island. View from the Columbia river on the northwestern side of Hayden Island looking west. After beers at John's Marketplace.

8/3/2024 - Lewis River, Forks Boat Launch, Woodland, WA

Time: 2.75 hours Distance: 8.73 miles   We put into the Lewis River at Forks Boat Launch outside of Woodland, WA and paddled up-river to Woodland before turning back. We'd planned to put in at Paradise Point Park but it was closed for bridge work so we made last minute changes to our plan and move to Forks Boat Launch. A perfect day for kayaking with temperatures in the 70's and only the gentlest of breezes. A really pleasant paddle with few boaters, several Bald Eagles and, for the first time, a small fox. Lynda preparing to put in. The I5 bridge over the Lewis River on the way into Woodland. Lynda paddling the Lewis River. A view from the Lewis River on the paddle back.

7/27/2024 - Willamette River, Rogers Landing Park, Newberg, OR

Time: 3 hours Distance: 9.22 miles We put into the Willamette River at Rogers Landing Park in Newberg, OR, paddled up-river to where the Yamhill enters the Willamette then back. A beautiful day with temperatures in the low 80's and light winds. There were a fair number of boaters but the paddle was still very pleasant. Lynda preparing to put in. Lynda looking for rocks on the bank. A view of the Willamette on the way back. Lynda padding back.

7/10/2024 - Potholes Reservoir, Potholes State Park, WA

Time: 2.7 hours Distance: 8.6 miles We put into Potholes Reservoir at Potholes State Park south of Moses Lake and spend the trip paddling through the wetland islands. Another hot day was forecast (107 F) so we were in the water early. We saw quite a variety of wildlife including all manner of birds, giant carp splashing an jumping constantly in the shallow water and several deer foraging on the small islands. Lynda preparing to put in. Dane preparing to put in. Lynda paddling the lake.