7/29/2023 - Hoquarton Slough, Burton Boat Ramp, Tillamook, OR

Time: 3.4 hours Distance: 9.14 miles We put into Hoquarton Slough at the Burton Boat Ramp in Tillamook and paddled up-stream as far as we could go. After a couple of small portages we were turned back by a significant blockage. We paddled back down-stream pas the bridge then towards Tillamook bay for a couple more miles before returning. The day was pleasant and warm with light winds in the first half which picked up before then end. On the way back we got to ride the swells. Lynda preparing to put in. Several goats we passed by along the water's edge. Lynda paddling up the slough. The first portage. Lynda reaching the first portage point. Lynda out of her kayak looking for rocks. A view of the slough on the way back down. Dane paddling down the slough. A view of the slough where it turns into the Tillamook River just past the bridge. A short snack break. After beers at Pelican Brewing in Tillamook.