7/7/2023 - Lake Cushman, WA

Time: 2.67 hours
Distance: 8.2 miles
We put into Lake Cushman for our 200th paddle trip on a cool morning with very low cloud coverage. Initially the conditions were calm and the traffic was almost non-existent. We paddled south along the eastern shore of the lake with the intention of trying to reach the damn at the far south end but after about an hour the wind picked up and the water conditions worsened. Within about 15 minutes the water went from flat and calm to consistent 1/2 foot swells. We were concerned the trend might continue so we turned back exploring a small inlet on the way.

Lynda preparing to put in.

 Lynda paddling in the misty morning.

A small island in the middle of the lake.

A view of the foggy lake.

Lynda paddling the lake on the way back.
