5/28/2023 - Willamette River, Willamette Park, West Linn, OR

Time: 3.4 hours Distance: 9.52 miles We put into the Willamette River from Willamette Park in West Linn, OR on a beautiful sunny day. We made our way up-river for about two hours exploring along the way before turning back. The temperatures were right around 70, the winds were light and there was almost no river traffic. A perfect day of paddling. Lynda preparing to put in. Lynda launching. The Willamette on the back-side of the small islands near the put-in. Lynda paddling around the back-side of the island. Lynda coming back onto the main channel of the Willamette. Dane paddling up the Willamette. Lynda paddling under a bridge up a small creek. A cool rainbow in the clouds. Lynda's latest find.