7/30/2022 - Trask River/Tillamook River/Stillwell Slough, Carnahan Park, Tillamook, OR

Time: 3.34 hours Distance: 9.2 miles We put into the Trask River from Carnahan Park in Tillamook, paddled a short distance to a slough that connects the Trask River to the Tillamook River, through the slough to the Tillamook River, up the Tillamook River to the Trask River, up to the Stillwell Slough until just past a bridge in downtown Tillamook then back to the Trask River and finally back to the put-in. The day was mostly sunny with temperatures in the mid 70's. We hit continuous winds of 12-15 mph when we were on the Tillamook River but once we got onto the smaller waterways the winds calmed down and the paddle was very pleasant. Lynda preparing to put in. Approaching the bridge over the Tillamook River. Lynda paddling in the high winds on the Tillamook River. Lynda paddling on the Trask River. Stillwell Slough Dane paddling on Stillwell Slough just after turning around.