7/16/2022 - Willamette River, Oswego Landing, Lake Oswego, OR

Time: 3.65 hours
Distance: 10.75 miles

We put into the Willamette River at Oswego Landing. The day was partially cloud and warm and as we set out the river was filled with other paddlers. We'd never seen this number of paddlers on the Willamette before but there were very few motor boats for the first half of the trip. We paddled up to the falls before turning back. On the trip back the paddlers were still present but they were joined by quite a few motorboats. The paddle was pleasant but there were far too many people for our liking.

Note: the map's recording didn't start for 10 minutes into the trip.

Lynda preparing to put in.

Lynda paddling on the Willamette.

The falls as we turned around.

Dane in front of the falls.

Lynda in front of the falls.

 A mother duck and her babies came to check us out.
