6/25/2022 - Lake River/Bachelor Island Slough/Columbia River, Ridgefield, WA

Time: 3.42 hours Distance: 10.17 miles We put into Lake River at Ridgefield, WA on a clear day which promised to be hot though a bit windy. We paddled to the Bachelor Island Slough then to the Columbia River and finally back to Lake River going all the way around Bachelor Island. The water levels had been very high the last few weeks and at one point we were able to paddle into the Island's interior on a channel that is usually well above water level. Lynda preparing to put in. Lynda paddling in the Slough. Lynda paddling on the Columbia River. A small lake in the interior of Bachelor Island. Looking back onto the Columbia River from the channel that had opened. After beers at Prime Tap House in Beaverton.