5/30/2021 - Columbia River, Louis Rasmussen Beach Park, Kalama, WA

Time: 3.25 hours Distance: 8.84 hours We put into the Columbia River as Louis Rasmussen Beach Park in Kalama, WA and paddled South up-river. The day was partly cloudy with highs in the mid 60's and winds were around 10 mph. We quickly found that traffic on this part of the river moves substantially quicker than other parts we've kayaked on making for some larger swells as boats went by. One large taker went by at a rate that was actually a bit unnerving as we could see a good eight-foot or larger swell being pushed up near the front of the ship. Between this and the winds the river was far from calm so the paddle was one of our slower trips. Lynda preparing to put-in. Dane padding up the Columbia River near some type of processing plant. Lynda paddling along the shore going up-river. A buoy out in the Columbia. The large swells can clearly be seen. We started out to it and decided better of it when we started hitting the larger swells. The Columbia going up-river. Our kayaks on...