9/3/2024 - Wilson River, Memaloose Point, Tillamook, OR

Time: 2.82 hours
Distance: 7.81 miles

We put in a Memaloos Point in Tillamook, OR, paddled across the Tillamook River and into the Wilson River. We then paddled around the channels and sloughs for a couple hours before returning to Memaloose. Temperatures were in the low 70's but winds were fairly high. Most of the day we were fairly protected from the worst of the winds but the final crossing back to the get out was a bit hairy with high winds and swells of ~2'.

Lynda preparing to put in.

View from the launch point before leaving.

On the Wilson river.

Lynda paddling the Wilson early on.

After beers and a snack at Pelican Brewing in Tillamook.
