6/29/2024 - Scappoose Bay, Scappoose, OR

Time: 3.02 hours Distance: 9.34 miles We put into Scappoose Bay at the boat ramp outside of Scappoose and paddled out and across Multnomah Channel to spend the rest of the trip paddling through the water ways at the end of Sauvie Island. A beautiful day with light clouds, temperatures in the 70s and an intermittent breeze. There were quite a few boats in the Channel but we crossed relatively quickly and found no further water traffic on Sauvie Island waters. A truly spectacular day. Lynda preparing to put in. St. Helens as we paddled towards Scappoose Bay's exit. The slough we paddle through on Sauvie Island. Lynda paddling in the slough. A Bald Eagle flying 20' above us. When we got back to the Channel to cross we had to wait for a large barge to pass. Lynda waiting for the barge to pass.