12/16/2023 - Multnomah Channel/Willamette River, Sauvie Island Boat Ramp, Sauvie Island, OR

Time: 2.8 hours Distance: 9.12 miles We put into Multnomah Channel at the Sauvie Island Boat Ramp and paddled up-river to the Willamette River then up-river again for a short distance before turning back. The day was cool with temperatures in the low 40s but there was little or no wind and very few boats. A pleasant winter paddle. Lynda preparing to put in. Lynda paddling up Multnomah Channel towards the Sauvie Island Bridge. A barge on the Willamette River where we turned around. Lynda checking our trip statistics where we turned back. A Bald Eagle surveying its territory atop a long pine pole. We saw six Bald Eagles on this trip.