8/12/2023 - Willamette River, San Salvador Boat Launch, St. Paul, OR

Time: 2.97 hours Distance: 7.52 miles We put into the Willamette River at the San Salvador Boat Launch in St. Paul, OR late in the morning of a warm calm day. We paddled up-river for just over two hours before turning back. The current was quite strong in many places and the going was often very slow so we stopped several times along the way. On the way up river we only encountered a few paddlers but by the time we turned back the motor boats were starting to come out. The day got fairly hot but being on the water made it much more pleasant. Lynda preparing to put in. Lynda dragging her kayak onto the rocky beach for a short break. Lynda paddling up-river. Dane skipping rocks on a short break before turning back. A view of the river over a small island. Dane on the river just before getting out.