5/30/2022 - Willamette River, Steven's Point, Portland, OR

Time: 3.07 hours Distance: 10.03 miles We put into the Willamette River at Steven's Point. It was a bit cool and overcast with a forecast for rain showers which did indeed show up about half way through the trip. We paddled down-river until the North end of Ross Island. There we went back up-river around the back side of the Island taking a tour through the Ross Island Lagoon. We then continued up-river to Milwaukie before turning back and heading back to get out at Steven's Point. The motor boat traffic was fairly limited but we saw more paddle-craft than ever before. We saw plenty of other kayaks, paddle boards, a canoe, single person outriggers, a five-person outrigger, a dragon boat a surf ski and even one long swimmer training for some event. Lynda preparing to put-in. Lynda paddling the Willamette early in the trip. Lynda paddling around two barges in the Ross Island Lagoon. A buoy in the Ross Island Lagoon. Barges in the Ross Island Lagoon with the city in the background...