11/6/2021 - Tillamook River, Memaloose Point, Tillamook, OR
Time: 3 hours
Burton-Fraser Rd on our way up-river then back down about an hour later. The tide came in considerably and ran right over the road.
The car loaded up as we are preparing to leave.
Distance: 9.16 miles
We put into the Tillamook River at Memaloose Point in Tillamook, OR and headed up river on a day with a weather forecast for rain and winds from 10-15 mph. Additionally King Tides were coming in at the Oregon coast and the tide charts called for a high-tide of +8 feet. We put-in three hours before high-tide and so witnessed the full effect of its reach.
The first part of the paddle was pleasant with no rain and little wind but that changed as we neared the Hwy 131 bridge where the wind picked up considerable. Over the next hour we paddled into fairly consistent 10 mph winds with intermittent showers. More than once we almost turned back. As we moved up river the winds subsided and the rain was light. We turned back at the bridge on Tillamook River Rd and the paddle remained pleasant for the next hour. Shortly before the Hwy 131 bridge, where the up-river wind had been the worst, we were hit by a hail storm and wind gusts of 25+ mph. The next 20 minutes were unpleasant to say the least. As we passed the bridge the weather again cleared and we had an easy paddle the rest of the way to our get-out.
Lynda gearing up and preparing to put-in.
Lynda paddling up-river just after put-in.
Lynda paddling up-river after the worst of the wind.
Lynda paddling up-river.
Lynda paddling down-river as a car goes through the river crossing the road.
A barn near the Hwy 131 bridge submerged by the King Tide.
The Tillamook River coming into Tillamook Bay.
Lynda coming into the ramp.
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