9/25/2021 - Tualatin River, Eagle Landing Park, Hillsboro, OR

Time: 3.87 hours Distance: 11.54 miles We put into the Tualatin Rive at Eagle Landing Park for the first time. We'd previously scouted the location but decided against trying to put-in there because the access to the water is a twenty-foot extremely steep clay bank. On our last trip on the Tualatin where we put in at Farmington Paddle Launch and paddled to Eagle Landing we noticed that someone had carved rough steps into the clay bank which made putting in there significantly better (though still difficult). After put in we paddled down-river for just over five miles before turning back. This section of the Tualatin was beautiful and peaceful with almost no houses or river traffic. A really nice paddle. Lynda preparing to put in. Lynda paddling down-river early in the trip. The Tualatin River. Lynda paddling back up river. Dane paddling under a fallen tree.