7/17/2021 - Columbia River, Kelly Point Park, Portland, OR

Time: 4.42 hours
Distance: 12.86 miles

We put in at Kelly Point Park and paddled around Hayden Island first, up-river on the South side then back down-river on the North. The day was beautiful with temperatures in the low 80's but despite that river traffic was fairly light. Winds picked up a bit on the return trip and we encountered several areas with significant turbulence and larger swells but overall the paddle was easy and plesant.

Lynda preparing to put in.

Dane heading up-river just after putting in.

Lynda heading up-river.

Facing East just after crossing under I-5. Mt. Hood in the far distance.

Some heavy current and waves at the North-East tip of Hayden Island.

Lynda coming around the East end of Hayden Island where we stopped for a break and a snack.

Mt. Hood from the beach on the North side of Hayden island during our break.

Our kayaks on the beach during our break.

Heading back down-river.
