4/3/2021 - Columbia River, Langsdorf Landing, Vancouver, WA

Time: 3.05 hours
Distance: 9.9 miles

We put into the Columbia River at Langsdorf Landing in Vancouver WA and paddled up-river before turning back down-river going around Caterpillar Island and back to the Landing. It was opening weekend for Salmon fishing so the river was crowded with fishermen both on the shore and in boats but the day was beautiful with temperatures in the mid 60's so the paddle was very pleasant.

Lynda preparing to put-in.

Lynda on the East side of Caterpillar Island just after putting in heading toward the Columbia.

Lynda on the Columbia River.

Dane on the Columbia taking a short break at the turn-around point.

Lynda paddling back down-river.

Another in Lynda's Buoy Series.

An Osprey watching us from his river nest.

The remnants of some type of retaining wall on the North end of Caterpillar Island.

Dane waiting to head to the Landing at the North the end of Caterpillar Island.
