4/17/2021- Willamette River, San Salvador Boat Launch, St. Paul, OR

Time: 3.58 hours
Distance: 9.0 miles

We put into the Willamette River at San Salvador Boat Launch outside of St. Paul, OR for our 100th trip together with our new kayaks. We'd tried this same trip several months ago but turned back after a short distance because the current was so strong. This trip we made it much further though there were still several places with relatively strong current. The day was unseasonably warm (80+ degrees F) and the traffic on the river was fairly light so all-in-all it was a great paddle.

Lynda striking a pose as she gets ready to put-in.

Dane taking a short break near the shore of the first island.

Lynda paddling up-river.

Lynda coming to a stop where we turned back.

Our kayaks during the break before turning back.

Since we stopped of course Lynda had to look for pretty rocks.

Dane paddling back down-river.

Lynda paddling back down-river.

After-beers at home on the back deck on a beautiful evening.
