2/28/2021 - Yale Lake, Yale Lake Park, Cougar, WA

Time: 10.07 hours Distance: 10.09 miles We put into Yale Lake at Yale Lake Park and paddled South to Saddle Dam. We investigated a small stream on the South East side of the Dam then worked back North to where Siouxon Creek enters the Lake and finally back to Yale Lake Park. The day was overcast and around 40 F but there was no rain and almost no traffic. Lynda preparing to put in (with a hair flip). Lynda paddling on Yale Lake near the put in. Lynda we approached Saddle Dam. Dane at the head of the small stream near Saddle Dam. Lynda paddling back out into the main body of the Lake with the snow covered mountains in the distance. Dane paddling up the mouth of Siouxon Creek. The bridge across Siouxon Creek.