10/31/2020 - Lake Merwin, Speelyai Park, WA

Time: 3.34 hours Distance: 11.1 miles We put into Lake Merwin at Speelyai Park on a beautiful fall day. The weather was clear and sunny and there was almost no one else on the lake. We paddled as far towards Yale Dam as we could get then detoured up Canyon Creek until we hit impassable conditions. Once again Bald Eagles were all around us almost immediately after leaving the main body of the lake. Lynda preparing to put in. Dane preparing to put in. Lynda setting out. Lynda on the lake. Yale Bridge on the way out. Dane paddling toward Yale Dam. Dane underneath a waterfall near Yale Dam. The end of the road at Canyon Creek. Lynda heading back down Canyon Creek. Taking a short break before heading back.