9/10/2020 - Hammersley Inlet, Walker Park, Shelton, WA

Time: 3.05 hours
Distance: 8.64 miles

We put into Hammersley Inlet at Walker Park in Shelton WA. The smoke from the fires on the West Coast was starting to flow into the area making the day a bit hazy (which can be seen in the pictures). We headed East towards the Puget Sound going against a strong incoming tide the entire way. Currents in the Inlet were strong making the trip fairly slow but traffic was light and the temperature was comfortable. We saw quite a few jellyfish along the way and later concluded they were Lions Mane Jellyfish which are common in the Sound.

Lynda preparing to put in.

Lynda paddling early in the trip.

Dane paddling East down Hammersley Inlet.

Lynda paddling East down Hammersley Inlet.

After beers at Hoh River Brewery.
