08/24/2020 - Yamhill River, Lafayette Locks Historical Park, Lafayette, OR

Time: 3.5 hours
Distance: 9.92 miles

We put into the Yamhill River at Lafayette Locks Historical Park and decided to try going up-river first. The portage from the park to the river was very steep making putting in (and even more getting out) quite difficult. Going up-river we hit a series of about four different locations we had to portage around within the first mile but then we had smooth paddling for the rest of the day. We paddled up the Yamhill River to where it splits into the North and South Yamhill River. We then paddled up the North Yamhill as far as we could go, turned back and went a mile or two up the South Yamhill before finally turning back. Another beautiful sunny day of paddling.

Lynda preparing to put in.

The remains of the old locks.

Lynda walking around during one of the early portages.

Dane working on a portage.

Lynda going up the Yamhill river.

Lynda marking our location at the end of our journey up the North Yamhill River.

Dane paddling back down a narrow area of the North Yamhill River.

Dane just before we got out. The remains of the locks in the distance.

After beers as Chehalem Valley Brewing.
