5/31/2020 - Pudding River, Aurora, OR

Time: 3.25 hours Distance: 10.52 We originally planned to put in at Hebb park, paddle up the Willamette to the end of the Pudding River and then paddle up but Hebb park was closed due to Covid-19. Instead we drove to around Aurora and put in several miles up. We paddled down-river for about an hour until we hit waters that were too swift to paddle back up and where there was no good way to portage. We then turned around, paddled past our put-in point and up-river for another ninety minutes. It was a beautiful day and the river offered a lot of variety including several places where the current made it challenging to continue paddling up-river. Lynda preparing to put in. Lynda paddling down-river. The Pudding River. A bridge on the Pudding River. Dane going under a second bridge on the Pudding River.